Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Viscous valentine WO

Valentine’s Day, or St. Valentine’s Day, actually originates from the honoring of early Christian martyrs.  There were many of these martyrs of which many had the first name Valentine, which comes from the word “valens”, meaning worthy, strong, and powerful.  So, that being said, and in honor of Valentine’s Day, try this workout!

It will be wise to do a slight warm-up prior to beginning this set of circuits. Perform each circuit as many times thru as you possibly can within ten minutes, also keep a pace that is relatively fast.  Only take breaks between circuits that last between 3-5 minutes depending on your abilities. Prior to the 3-5 minute recovery but after each 10min circuit, perform 5 min of jump rope.

Circuit 1 - Chocolate Chaser
- sprint 1 lap followed by 1 walking lap
- 50 body weight squats
- 20 side shuffles each side
- Karaoke 100yards
- 100 bicycle crunches
*jump rope 5 min*

3-5min break

Circuit 2 - Cupid
- bench press 20 reps
- barbell row 20 reps
- push ups 20 reps
- pull ups 20 reps
- 30 incline crunches
* jump rope 5min*

3-5 min rest

Circuit 3 - Roses are Red, Your Face is Blue
- 15 burpees
- 1 lap jog followed by one lap sprint
-  25 jumping jack to overhead press with dumbbells
- 15 dips
- 15 barbell curls
*jump rope*