Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Now that I am coming up on the of my undergraduate career I thought it would be a good time to look back on these three years and assess a few things. At the beginning of college I was frantic about gaining the infamous freshman 15 or even now I think it's the freshman 20! That is gaining relatively a large amount of weight in college! However, I would like to present to you my experience with the freshman 15. I weighed in at 108 pounds at 14.3% body fat the dat before I started my freshman year. Keep in mind I had no idea I was going to be into bodybuilding and I didn't even know what figure competitions were! Today 3 years later I weigh in at 138 pounds and 17.3 % body fat. For those of you who don't know the specifics, let me break those number down for you. That is about a 21.5 pound gain of lean muscle mass and an 8 pound gain of fat mass over a 3 year period. That's about 7 lbs of lean muscle gain per year! Wow! Yes, I did gain some fat; however, the fat gain was necessary for my joints and bodily functioning due to the heavier lifting that I was engaging in.

So for all of you people who are terrified of the freshman 15, don't be so scared after all. However, it is important to know that I didn't gain that lean mass by sitting around or sleeping til noon. It takes hard work, dedication and most importantly consistency! But it can be done and I know I'm not the only one who has done this! I would just like to able to empower others to work hard and achieve their goals whether it be muscle gain, fat loss or increase in over all fitness levels! Take charge of your life and achieve the goals that you desire!

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