Hot sauce, mustard, and other low/no calorie condiments...
I don't think people truly understand how many calories they are actually consuming in their condiments alone. And by condiments I mean mayo, ketchup, honey mustard, barbeque sauce, steak sauce, glazes, jellies, syrups, salad dressings and things like that. The problem with giving a list like that is that most people can find one of two things not on it and then justify the use of those items because they aren't on the list. If in doubt, throw it out. That's what I always say. If there is a questionable food item, whether you are unsure of its nutritional value or health value, or even if you are unsure if it has spoiled or not, just err on the side of caution and throw it away.
Now, back to our discussion about condiments. There was recently an episode of Freaky Eaters on Discovery Fit and Health television about a man who ate maple syrup. Yes, he only ate maple syrup. The therapists gradually introduced him to being able to put maple syrup on more nutritional foods and then made the jump for him to try other things to put on foods such as sauces and dips. In this case, the alternative for him, other dips and sauces, was much more nutritional than his usual choice of maple syrup. While it may be hard for you to fathom that someone only ate maple syrup, just think about what you are putting into your body when you use all of the condiments and additions to your food. Now that is something that I cannot fathom. All of the ingredients in those condiments and food additives are absolutely disgusting and repulsive. They have a wide variety of ingredients that are positively unhealthy and the other variety of ingredients I have no idea what they are. Why would you eat something that you don't know what it is?! Not to mention the ungodly amounts of sugar they all contain. Some additives are more sugary and some are more fattening, however, neither one is better than the other.
I write this short blog and rant about condiments because I realized I had posted some pictures and alternatives to the traditional condiments but I didn't really write anything about why I posted the pictures. Basically, I just can't believe what people are putting in their bodies'. More importantly, I just can't believe how much they are putting in their bodies'. Years ago people used the same horrible ingredients but not as many people were morbidly obese. Why is that? Well, people began to have an aversion to the healthy foods by way of going for the tastier, cheaper and more unhealthy processed foods. They then began to eat these foods in abundance thus resulting in increased obesity and morbidly obese individuals. Not to scare anyone, but I really hope you will reconsider your condiment choices.
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