My Top 10’s
I got the idea for doing my top ten favorite things from one of Ava Cowan's blog entries from a few weeks back. She is one of many figure athletes that I look up to in the world of competitive bodybuilding.
I got the idea for doing my top ten favorite things from one of Ava Cowan's blog entries from a few weeks back. She is one of many figure athletes that I look up to in the world of competitive bodybuilding.
The top ten things I always bring to the gym and never leave home without are:
- Headphones – as you all may know I am not of fan of chatting while working, I do talk to people at the gym and have many friends there. However, mid set is not the time to chat about the weather. This is why I put my headphones in. I’ll let you in on a little secret, sometimes my iPod isn’t even playing music.
- iPhone/iPod/Music – While sometimes my phone is not playing music, I do enjoy music while doing plyometrics or cardio. Also, sometimes during lifting I will use it but I usually like to concentrate on the contractions while lifting. Also, when I have been listening to music I have been using Pandora radio instead of iYunes, this allows for a continually playing of a wide array of music and music that i am not necessarily familiar with.
- Hoodie – usually like to cover up when working out, creates less of a distraction and its usually pretty cold in there!
- Gym bag – like a girl, I do like to carry STUFF around. I may not even use this stuff but I like to be prepared and always have my gym bag with all my crap in it.
- Versa gripps – these grips are by far the best grips I have come across for heavy back days. The material that the grips are made of really holds to the bar well allowing you to concentrate on your back instead of your grip strength on the bar or dumbbell or whatever.
- Hair ties – I have to have to have these when working out. I can’t stand when my hair is in my face flying around so these are great. And you know you have had a good workout when you break them!
- Training journal – progression in any training program is very important for change in your physique so to kee track of my workouts and progress so that I am able to change my routines, I write them all down.
- Nalgene with bottle topper – the nalgene bottle is a preference, however, I highly suggest the topper. The topper allows you to dink from the nalgene without spilling out half of your water onto the floor, you can purchase the toppers for under 5 dollars at your local outdoors store.
- Shoes – and I mean GOOD shoes. If you are working out in flats, go home, please. Good shoes are important because they can effect your entire body mechanically all the way up from your feet through your back and so on. However, sometimes when squatting I will squat barefoot, however, this is also a preference.
- Resistance band – this is a newly acquired additive to my gym bag. I use this band to warm up by shoulder muscles and rotator cuff muscles to prevent injury and rehab my shoulder. Although I have had many shoulder issues, it is a good idea for everyone to adequately warm up the rotator cuffs prior to weight training to prevent injury.
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