So this was a blog that I was almost sure I wouldn't find the need to rewrite about, however, time and time again adults have proven their foolishness in gym on a regular basis. The sad part is, it's only part foolishness and the other part is either straight up rudeness or ignorance. I like to give people the benefit of doubt so let's pretend they are just ignorant. And if you are those people reading this, just consider yourself briefly educated by the end of this article!
That being said lets start off with some simple etiquette tips. Mirrors. Mirrors are located conveniently in the gym on the walls so you can look at your beautiful self while you workout. Most importantly I recommend their use for being able to concentrate on your form! I'm sure you can use them to check your make-up and do your hair but do that at home! More importantly next time you step in front of the mirror to watch yourself, be aware of other people. I realize your ego may not have quite fit through the door when you walked in, but next time leave it in the car! Don't step right in front of people's line of sight in the mirrors!
So this next one I get most heated and amped up about so, excuse my excitement ahead of time. My biggest pet peeve and what I think to be flat out inconsiderate is coming up to someone and striking up a conversation in the middle of a set! If you've done this to someone before please refrain from doing so in the future. It's for your own safety I assure you. I have made plenty of friends at the gym, however, it is a gym and I go to work so ideally I am going to workout, not talk, and especially not at the same time.
So one more tip. I realize this I only three tips, but the last one got me pretty worked up so I'll have to think of more later and come out with an etiquette part 2 soon. This is a tip for all you crazies who come to the gym seemingly not to work out. You will get more done if you don't read while working out, and no in not talking about on cardio equipment. Yes, this has happened, reading a BOOK while lifting on machines. I am all for multitasking don't get me wrong, but for your safety and courtesy to others I think you shouldn't read while on machines. It results in you staying on machines entirely too long.
Oh and maybe just one more quick one. If you're gonna do karate, kickboxing, Kung-fu, tae kwon do, or whatever that craziness is, at least go in the aerobics room. No one wants to watch your untamed body fly around the gym or make those fake fighting noises. Plus, you're going to hurt yourself or someone else, so do us a favor and go somewhere where you've got a little more room to move! This doesn't mean in front of the mirrors either!
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