If this offends anyone, I apologize, it is just a joke kind of thing that most of you can relate to the other people you see when working out. Keep in mind these are all in the context of the gym and try to LAUGH, its an important part of your health too!
Gazelle - you may as well be attached to the treadmill, you run for hours And never lift weights, but will occasionally switch cardio machines.
Gorilla - you walk around with your chest pumped up and make lots of noise while lifting and also in between sets, you have great muscular structure but can sometimes be rather unintelligent.
Cat - you are somewhat spastic when working out, all of you movements look awkward, your form sucks because your back is always arched.
Raccoon - you wear lots of make-up to the gym and are very nosey, you pick things up, look at them and put them back down; and occasionally you take other peoples food.
Chimpanzee - the curious one, watches and imitates people's exercises and workouts, and occasionally you will eat a banana post-workout, but only because you saw some else doing so.
Zebra - all you try to do when you come to the gym is blend in.
Parrot - you fly from exercise to exercise, however, your main objective is talking.
Owl - you always go to the gym late at night when no one is around.
Wolf - you travel in packs, never come to the gym alone, and you follow the alpha male.
Frog - the only thing you do in the gym is jump... jump... jump, so much plyometrics.
Turtle - slow and steady wins the race?, well when you stay on one machine for what seems like an hour, I'm not so sure you are getting a very good workout, try changing things up, for everyone's sake.
Snake - you are very sneaky and sometimes creep around the gym, you aren't necessarily mean or rude, but you usually don't speak to many people, and not many people know you.
Goldfish - you are in your own world, slow mover depending on your mood, big googly eyes and yet you still never see any one waving at you to say hi.
Human being - you come to the gym to workout, you work hard and get things accomplished, you aren't rude, and only talk to people when appropriate (not during sets!), you enjoy working out and it one of the best times of your day, you come in with a plan of your workout for the day and you get it done and leave.
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