Thursday, December 1, 2011

Monthly Update #1

So it has been about one month since I have started my fitness tip/fact and blogging challenge.  It has been difficult some days but more often than not it is fun and I have enjoyed every bit of information that I have written.  I have discovered a new passion for writing and informing about fitness and exercise.  I hope my blogs and tips have helped many of you.  I have stuck with it for one month and will continue to do so for the next eleven.  That being said I want to emphasize consistency within workout and dietary behavior change or continuance.

Yes, starting and initiating a workout plan and dietary plan is difficult.  Maintaining this plan and not  straying too far from the plan will be hard.  However, you need to keep in mind the plan that you devise or devise with the help of a professional should be designed to be able to be maintained long term, and in this case long-term meaning life long.  If fitness was easy, there wouldn't be an obesity epidemic.  Fitness is not a goal but an on going journey.   Being a bodybuilder, competing is the prime example.   Even though we have an off-season and on-season,  and we have goals for a certain show, we constantly strive for improvement and the betterment of ourselves.  My point is that if fitness is your goal, be in it for the long all.  You can't get fit and then discontinue what you did to get fit and remain fit.  There is always room for improvement and if you have gotten comfortable, it’s time to change.  Change in the sense of switching things up, not in the sense of the cessation of your program. 

Change is the major problem with adherence to most health and fitness programs.  With the initiation of a new fitness program, it requires change from what you are currently doing and putting faith into something else entirely, something that you do not know.  We, as humans, innately fear the unknown.  It is a natural characteristic that we have.  Sometimes this characteristic prevents us from getting into troubling situations but it also can get you into some pretty tough situations.   So, I challenge you to welcome change with open arms.  Adaptation to situations and change is essential for maintaining an exercise and fitness lifestyle.  You have to plan things around schedule and be prepared to re-plan many times over when things come up.  But don’t get frustrated and quit all together.  I am doing this blog and posting on facebook for 365 days.  Granted this is no workout program, but for me to type an entry everday, it is a change from what I used to do.  I am doing this to prove a point.  Consistency, stick with it and you will see the results that you want and you will be able to do things you may not have even known you were capable of! Empower yourself and make a difference in your own life!  

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